
Our uniform is as follows:

  • Red jumper or cardigan*
  • Grey trousers or pinafore dress (black is also acceptable)
  • White polo or shirt
  • Black shoes (no boots or trainers)

On PE days, we ask that children come to school dressed in their PE kit for the whole day. Our PE kit is as follows:

  • Coloured T-shirt (the colour will depend on the house your child is assigned to)
  • Black shorts
  • Black joggers or tracksuit bottoms
  • School red jumper or cardigan
  • Dark coloured trainers (plimsolls are not appropriate as they are for inddor use only)

*Red Jumper or cardigan - jumpers and cardigans with the school logo are available online and from Best Look in Dunstable but we are also happy for children to wear those without a logo and available from other retailers.


Our range of branded uniform is available from My Clothing. The link is provided below:



School uniform grants


grant request flyer jan 2020 final.pdf

For more information about who is eligible and how you can apply, please click see the links below:

Letter to parents

Uniform grant application form

Additional child form

Please note that the school must also complete part of the form and so forms will need to be returned to use at the school office or via email: office@watlinglower,org,uk